
The Art & 进入正确大门的科学

由DTCC连线人员| 4分钟阅读| 2023年5月25日

杰森·哈勒尔, DTCC运营董事总经理 & 技术风险和外部项目主管, and 菲尔·安德森,DTCC执行董事,博士&1、企业社会责任、ESG报告和组织发展, discussed the benefits of professional networking during their “The Art & 进入正确大门的科学” panel at the 2023 HBCU Alumni Professional Development Symposium in Washington D.C.

他们坐下来 存管连接 after the event to share insights on the importance of networking and how building effective networks can help you succeed.

DC: What do you look for in a person before you add them to your network?

PA: 它们必须是真实的. I am a servant leader and I always try to find the good in everyone. If I can help that person advance their mission or journey, then I’ll do that. It doesn't have to necessarily be for me or for my company.

JH: 他们的能量. I know that sounds very loose but the energy a person brings to the conversation can make you either feel comfortable or uncomfortable in that space. 第二件事是要有一个有趣的故事. It could be something that happened during the day or an observation that you have in the moment just make it compelling.

DC: During the panel, you talked about concentric circles for networking. 你能解释一下这个概念吗?


PA: Concentric circles in networking simply means that each level of your network requires varying levels of attention. 例如, 和你最亲近的人, some folks call it their boardroom or their board members, 是你的核心圈子的一部分吗. And they help guide you through the most important or complex events or situations. They may be people that you trust with more personal or sensitive information. 从那里 the outer circles are less like the inner circle and have a looser affiliation, may have more people in it but should get the same level of attention as your inner circle. However, the concentric circles are dynamic and people can move in and out of each level.

杰森·哈勒尔杰森·哈勒尔, DTCC运营董事总经理 & 技术风险和外部项目主管

DC: The concept of ‘relationship currency’ was discussed during your panel. 这是什么,对你意味着什么?

JH: Relationship currency is the value acquired from the relationships that an individual has invested in over time. 我们都有某种程度的关系货币, and we should understand how and when to use that currency. Relationship currency can help you find your next job or role. 在我目前的职位上, relationship currency is the value derived from the connective tissue that I have between financial trade associations, 金融当局, 以及同行金融机构.


JH: I view it very methodically, but it is a bit of art and science. So, 举个例子, I have an event that’s coming up where the attendees are comprised of finance experts and authorities, 业内同行和其他官员. Since I receive a list of attendees ahead of the meeting, I go through the list and highlight the individuals and groups where I have no relationship. 这部分更多的是科学. 从那里, I identify those individuals that I need to target in order to build a relationship with and utilize different networking strategies to initiate that engagement. 这部分更像是艺术.

PA: I view relationship building as organic, but you must be open. Sometimes I will attend conferences without the intent to foster relationships, but I am quickly reminded that sometimes you aren’t even aware what an interaction may produce. And sometimes the result is something that you weren’t even aware that you needed. So always be prepared to pivot whenever the opportunity presents itself.

DC: What are the most valuable lessons you’ve learned from networking with executives and how have they influenced your professional growth?

JH: I would say one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in networking is don’t burn bridges. 这通常是不必要的. 你永远不知道人们会在哪里着陆. Just because they have a role that may not be of great significance today, does not mean they won't hold a role of great significance tomorrow.

The other thing that I’ve learned is some networking tactics. When I first started in my current role, I would go to conferences where I knew 1 or 2 people. 房间里其余的地方都是人山人海. 对我来说,这些情况令人生畏. So, I made a plan to not leave the room until I met 4 or 5 people. That made the situation less intimidating by essentially cutting down the room.

PA: 我所做的就是寻找一个连接点. 尤其是当我在他们办公室的时候. 我寻找一个切入点来开始对话. Maybe a photo on their desk or diploma on their wall or a pin or piece of jewelry that they are wearing. 但是,它必须是真的. It can’t be something you're making up or pretending because they will sense that you are being disingenuous.

DC: How would you build connections and manifest a desired outcome in an unfamiliar setting?

JH: Unfamiliar settings are tough and, for many people, create feelings of anxiety. People, 在一般情况下, gravitate to the familiar which is why people tend to socialize with colleagues in these situations. 除了把房间缩小到四到五个人之外, I have also developed an elevator pitch for who I am and practiced it.

PA: One thing I want to point out which Jason alluded to earlier, is the elevator pitch. You should have a two-minute introductory pitch that summarizes your experience and aspirations equally and practice it, 这就很自然了. You will also want to modify it depending on your audience. 最重要的是, the pitch should properly represent you and give the listener a pathway in which to offer help.

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